There is a belief that every event big or small, impactful or dull, is part of a greater ecosystem of realms; physical, digital, and even outwardly. Planets are in constant motion, moving forward, retrograding backward in positions that are thought to affect those who exist on Earth at any time. Energy is built and released between the planets and events seem to align as they were supposed to, or not, giving the universe the ultimate power. It is superscience, extraterrestrial, extraphysical, superphysical, and supernormal that the alignment of the planets and when you were born (exact time and place) can determine your life path, personality, character traits and even your destiny.
If we believe that the universe can impact us individually in the form of first meetings, marriage, and significant life events, what about events on a global scale? Does the universe produce a cadence, rhythm, or energy that could possibly direct the events we experience? Do the stars have to align to cause mayhem in our digital realms?
Welcome to the cosmic void.
Astrology is both a historical and cultural phenomenon across the world and has come a long way from weekly forecasts in newspaper columns and celebrity trends. Astrology traces back to mesopotamia where it was invented and studied along with astronomy. Calendars and almanacs were also published by mesopotamians. From here, the knowledge traveled and took on different flavors across Egypt, Rome, Greece, Europe, India, China, and the Americas.
From ancient and early culture to the present our modern day point of views are heavily influenced by astrology. We download apps that can break down our natal charts and influences, show us our chart inclusive of our various placements that pinpoint where every planet was when we were born, and of course there are memes. We relate to each other through sharing astrology memes of identified habits, personality traits, and quirks related to our shared zodiac signs. It is how we find commonality, establish initial friendships, determine if someone may be a good match romantically, and measure how successful we think we may be in life. Various social apps have their own versions of influencers, accounts, and content creators who offer predictions, readings, and most importantly, let us know when Mercury is in retrograde. Celebrities have Susan Miller to guide them through life. Astrology and what it can represent is heavily intertwined in our daily, modern life.
At the start of 2023, world economists and astrologists predicted that there would be a major cyber event this year. Cyber executives and business leaders at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland emphasized an enormous amount of cyber insecurity globally and predicted a “cyber storm”. Astrologists also had similar predictions for 2023-2025 citing that a major cyber event could be possible.
It has been known that certain attackers and nation state actors will purposely align their attacks with certain astrological positions on purpose. Historically, there were a lot of astrological coincidences or alignments to 9/11 and the pandemic, leading most to think there were many planned aspects to both events.
Echoing the sentiments of the WEF, the astrological alignment of 2023 has several key events that have the potential for energetic impact causing real-world change as a result. Experts have indicated that the astrological shifts taking place this year are expected to bring more dramatic than the last three years put together. Not all transits are created equal and there are three significant transits for 2023; Saturn moving into Pisces, Pluto entering Aquarius, and Jupiter and the North Node in Taurus.
Since March of 2020 (think Pandemic times), Saturn has been moving through Aquarius. In March of 2023, before Pluto began its transit to Aquarius, Saturn made the move into Pisces, a once every thirty year type of event.
Saturn represents limitations, borders, and structures, and Pisces represents our free-flowing collective consciousness and culture, known to be linked with dreams and the inner psyche. This transit brought the requirement to take accountability for things in our life that have gone by waist side or are out of order. There was a high frequency focus of spirituality and healing and a lower frequency focus of disillusionment and escape. This was a time for reality checks and questioning the real validity of anything that could not be proven.
Also in March of 2023, Pluto, the celestial body most associated with large-scale transformation shifted into Aquarius. This is something that only occurs, roughly, every 20 years. Aquarius is also the sign most connected with change, evolution, and innovation. Since 2008, (remember the Global Financial Crisis and the birth of Bitcoin?) Pluto has been moving through Capricorn meaning its impact has been focused on Capricorn-ruled areas of life such as the workplace, government, big-scale institutions, and authority figures. This has resulted in the demand for structural change and progress throughout society.
Pluto also dipped into the first degrees of Aquarius meaning the retrograde placement will take it back to Capricorn twenty nine degrees. This placement can cause chaos and destruction and can signify endings. It was predicted that we would see the final efforts of the paradigm shift taking place to change the systems and the structures that govern our world. In other words, the end of an era.
This transit signifies a once in a lifetime transit that involves the prime change agent of the zodiac where intense change was expected to occur in Aquarian facets such as technology, humanity, and social community. It was predicted that we can expect shifts in the collective use and response to the Internet and how technology can transform society. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius the French Revolution and signing of the American constitution took place.
"We will see a shift in how the collective responds to sources of information like the internet" - Ellen Bowles, Astrologer
Eerily, predictions seemed to align to real world events as March of 2023 proved to be a volatile one where we saw significant events occurring in Aquarian facets. Some noteworthy events include:
Post the March events of Saturn moving into Pisces and Pluto entering Aquarius, May of 2023 includes Jupiter shifting into Taurus. Jupiter is known as the Great Benefic and is associated with luck, good fortune, and bringing in the good vibes. Jupiter also joined the North Node, a point in the sky associated with fate and destiny on June 1st, 2023. This made it likely to bring about positive, seemingly fated experiences in connection to Taurean facets like security, sensuality, and material pleasures of life. It signified a time for big, expansive thinking, seeking knowledge, deepening spirituality, and building relationships with like minded individuals or groups.
These major transits of 2023 have already had a sizable impact on world events and are truly only a foreshadowing of more seismic shifts to come. Astrologers and economists alike had similar predictions that were made off of extremely different data sets. These were likely not correlated together for purposes of WEF analysis. Is this superscience the key to understanding the universe and predicting the future? Can it give us the power to prepare for a major event or cyber attack? Should our response plans and doomsday planning follow the stars? As we look ahead, Pluto only spent three months of 2023 in Aquarius. When it returns in 2024, Pluto will spend two decades in this air sign transforming our understanding of the power of the collective, showing us the value and cost of information, and potentially democratizing it in a whole new way.
x's&o's + 0's&1's
features images from @riotgoools.eth + @tinypieceofmercury + @our.zora